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How To Help Kids Build Stronger Self-Esteem - Parenting Tips You Should Consider

Building self-confidence was never easy. Even us adults have a hard time improving our self-worth. So as a parent, how do we deal with this kind of dilemma? How can we help our kids improve their self-esteem without compromising ours?

happy boy lying down on grass

In this post, you’ll find the easiest, most helpful tips and activities that would build self-confidence in children. But before that, let’s tackle the basics first -- what is self-esteem?

Basically, self-esteem is how a person sees themselves. It’s about how much they like themselves or not. This is often linked to a person’s motivation and success. Someone with low self-esteem is more likely to be depressed or have a feeling of being defeated. 

Meanwhile, having a higher level of self-esteem can be bad, too. It may cause aggression or violence so it’s best to keep this in balance.

Helping Build Self-Esteem In Children As Parents

As parents, we have no control over our child when it comes to becoming who and what they are in the future. However, we play an important role in building our kid’s confidence. After all, they look up to us and the way we act, talk, and make them feel creates an impact on them.

That being said, it’s crucial that we are careful enough with our words and actions. I’m not saying that you’ll be a saint at all times (it’s hard, I know that!) but we should keep in mind that most of their learning comes from us.

Below are some ways to help your kid develop balanced self-esteem:

  • Let Your Children Feel Your Love, All The Time

A simple hug and kiss can make your child feel good about themselves. Of course, kind words will help, too. You don’t have to display an extravagant gesture to tell your kids how much you love them. Sometimes, even a smile is more than enough to make them feel good.

  • Recognize Your Child’s Strength

Every child has their own set of strengths and weaknesses but as much as possible, focus on your child’s talents and not on their flaws. Encourage them to unleash their potential but also, embrace their shortcomings. 

As for the weaknesses, help your kids identify it and find ways on how you can improve it or make it work.

  • Let Your Child Learn New Skills

Learning a new skill is not only fun, but it also boosts one’s self-confidence because of the sense of fulfillment after accomplishing a task. It can be as simple as gardening or something more challenging, like swimming. 

  • Teach Your Child That It’s Okay To Lose

Raising a successful child is a goal of many parents, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Teach your child to celebrate victory and also, how to embrace loss and failure. Help them realize that it’s okay to fail.

  • Let Them Decide Once In Awhile

As a parent, we are responsible for our own children and as much as possible, we want to make the choices for them. However, to help your kids improve their confidence, you have to let them decide for themselves for a while.

It doesn’t have to be a big decision. It can be as simple as what to wear, what toy or book to buy, etc. This can teach them responsibility and consequences of their actions.

  • Let Your Child Solve A Minor Problem

No matter how young or old your child is, there will be a struggle along the way. Whether it’s a toy stuck under the bed or what shoes to wear, these things can help your child develop the skills they need, such as problem-solving. 

The good thing about these struggles is that if they overcame it, they will come out stronger and with higher self-esteem. So the next time you see them having a hard time (of course it depends on the situation), be sure to let them solve their problem on their own.

Do you agree with these? How do you help your kids develop their self-esteem? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment box below.

Thank you!

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