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Beauty Products Under 300: For Radiance, Bright Eyes, And Glowing Skin

So last time, I got invited to attend a baptism. I was standing with few single ladies and a mom and this made me notice some "unlikeable" things. We're almost of the same ages but it seems like my skin's already a little dull and dry (insecurity attack!) Well, I have to be honest about myself, however, I realized that there are still moms out there who have beautifully radiant skin, and my mom's the best example.

I think the reason why I have such skin anyway is I tend to forget taking care of it. I mean, like now, I do not have any skincare product to take care of my skin. Plus, according to cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Sam Bunting, "Looking after a young child is a huge stress on your body." The same thing goes with sleep deprivation and handling a crying baby as it is the same with having a highly-pressured job. (via MotherAndBaby)

A known stress hormone called "cortisol" is released, thus the loss of radiance. Not to mention the keys to survival such as sugar and caffeine, *Guilty! But fortunately, there are ways to combat several skin issues so mommies, let's keep our fingers crossed!

Puffy Eyes
More than anywhere else, the first part that is highly affected because of sleep deprivation, stress, and other motherhood changes is the eye. Dark circles, fine lines, and puffy eyes are just some of the visible and horrible effects we moms mostly see. This is because the skin around the eye is the thinnest thus, any changes in the normal routine can speed up the aging process.

The Solution: For breastfeeding moms like me, it's recommended to drink at least two liters of water a day, instead of the regular one liter. It is also best to look for an eye product which has Vitamin C and antioxidant. For this, I found three products to choose from and one of which is the Anti EYEging by Skin Genie. It only costs around P150 so it's very affordable and effective.

Next one is Brightening Eye Tuck Plus Dark Circles Lightener by Celeteque Dermoscience which is a little bit higher than the first one as it costs around P300.

Finally, there's Olay Total Effects 7 In One Anti-Ageing Eye Cream by Olay, a trusted brand and although it's a little bit pricey, this is the best investment for moms who want to resolve their eye-related concerns.

Dry And Irritated Skin

Gone are the days when having a healthy diet is our priority since we have a little one inside us. So, after pregnancy, most moms forget to eat the right kind of food and instead, hop on for quick sugary fixes. While this is good for our mood, it's not really the best for our complexions. 

The Solution: Dr. Marko Lens. a plastic surgeon stated: "Remove dead cells, but not to the point of damaging the skin barrier – avoid cleansers containing strong sulphate detergents and mineral oils, which can also clog pores." Having the right gentle cleanser and facial oil/moisturizer helps with patching things up. In addition, mommies can consume flaxseed oil and oily fish such as salmon.

For cleansers, I personally recommend Pond's Flawless White Facial Foam which is around P200. My mom is a big fan and I use it sometimes as I am using other products too. 

For those who have extra cash to spend, you can opt for Beauty Water by Son & Park. The product, which costs around P600, received the "2016's Beauty Award" from BeautyMNL.

For moisturizers, Aloe Vera Gel (Double Strength) by Skin Genie is recommended as the skin quickly absorbs it without the 'greasy feels.' It only costs 250 so this is a smart buy! 

Next is Olay White Radiance Brightening Intensive Cream SPF24, which is again, a trusted brand. Therefore, paying only P300 for this skin product is definitely worth it.

Loss Of Radiance

Don't get me wrong -- having a baby is the most wonderful thing that ever happened to me. In fact, my little one changed a lot including my perspective in life. However, there are times whenI feel too tired or stressed and this is completely normal so moms, you don't have to feel guilty about it. But then again. there are changes that directly affects our skin such as having a dull, lifeless face. 

The Solution: First, invest in a cleansing brush. According to Refinery29, cleansing brushes 'keep pores clean on a daily basis.' Most people who are using a cleansing brush in their daily rituals noticed having smaller pores as it has little serum or dirt compared to those who are not using this new tech. Aside from this, it is also advised to have an exfoliator or a gentle daily scrub to remove dead skin cells effectively For exfoliating, one of the most popular product is the St. Ives Face Scrub Blackhead Clearing Green Tea. This is perhaps the cheapest, most effective exfoliator that you can easily find in the market. It only costs P205 for its 6oz size. 

Next is Deep Clean Facial Scrub Epsom Salt by Skin Genie. The product can be ordered online via BeautyMNL and it only costs P250.

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