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Growing Your Bangs Easily

One of the fastest ways to transform one's look is by cutting your bangs. Although it's already proven to make you look like a bit stylish, there are times when all you want is to throw yourself out of the window because you don't seem to like how it looks.

This time, I'll set myself as an example. While browsing Facebook, I saw a video (I forgot the page, though) about a girl cutting her bangs. It looks easy and her instructions are quite clear. However, because of the regular scissor that I am using (instead of a hairdressing scissor) or maybe it's just that I just don't know how to do it at all, I end up looking like Lloyd from Dumb and Dumber. Lol! Thank you, Bob (bobby pins) for saving me!

But before you give yourself up (remember, you have one little munchkin who needs you) you might want to read the rest of the article and save yourself from dying. (P.S. Forgive me for the morbid sound)

Quick Guide on How to Grow Dreadful Bangs Easily

1. Regularly and Religiously Have It Trimmed

Okay -- you want to grow it longer but now, I am asking you to have it trimmed. Why? Trust me: cutting it regularly will make your hair healthy and, it will also help your bangs to blend with your hair easily. So, there's no need for you to constantly hide it (like me. And oh! I think I'll opt for a professional hairstylist this time!)

2. Have It Swept Sideways
I think the one who rocked side-swept bangs gracefully is Ashley Tisdale. Anyways, putting your bangs sideways is not only stylish, but also this is less annoying unlike the usual one - letting it grow straight in your eyes. To do this, just part your hair (whichever way you want , right or left) and sweep your fringes using your fingers or comb. You can use a wax, gel or any hair styling products you want to hold it.

Here are our top picks for hair products that guarantees to hold your hair in the safest way:

3.Incorporate Accessories Gracefully
One sad thing about being a mom is (for me, I guess) that it's hard to rock bangs especially when you're a child is starting to crawl or to walk. You know... you're literally all over the places and that tiny hair in your forehead seems to be getting out of the way, too. Fortunately, if you're one kikay mom, you can actually take advantage of hair accessories such as a headband, and hair clips.

Here are some of the top picks we have for hair accessories:

4. Use Dry Shampoo
If you haven't used it yet, now's the perfect time for you to start embracing dry shampoos. For unmanageable hair, this product provides texture, it also keeps your hair from having too much grease. This is perfect for moms who don't have the luxury to take a bath even just for a second! All you need to do is spray it on your bangs (or the entire hair) and style it the way you want. For first time users, it might be surprising how amazing the products is. Well mommies, it's never too late to get yourself one.

Here are the top picks we have for dry shampoo:

5. Have Some Patience
You know the patience you give to your wonderful, extra energetic little one? Now, share it with your bangs, too! There's really no easy way out to grow bangs in a matter of seconds so the best way to have them is at least, enjoy them. Create wonderful moments with it such as putting it on braids, taking a wild selfie, tease or twist it, and play with it. YouTube is a great channel for you to find out which will work well with your bangs. After all, it won't be like that forever, right? :)

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